

Employee Retention and Talent Analytics in Talent Management (Article 08)

Human resource is the bedrock of any organization; they are a vital and significant resource that helps give the organization an edge.  Technologically generated data is needed for the analysis of human resources from the point of candidate attraction to the point of employee retention. Imperatively, for organizations to determine how far they want to imbibe talent analytics will indicate plans that will effectively develop their workforce with the right competencies, and this in turn becomes a booster to retaining employees. Development in the economy has resulted in stiff Labour competition creating avenues and opportunities for human resources. The biggest challenge organizations are faced with is managing these resources and retaining them, especially talented employees.  Attracting and retaining these skilled employees plays an important role for any organization as employees’ knowledge and skills are central to organizations’ ability to be economically positioned and competitive.

Cultivating a Culture of Equity and Belonging: Integrating Diversity and Inclusion in Effective Talent Management Strategies (Article 07)

Talent management (TM) represents one of the fastest-growing areas of both academic research and HRD practice. Since the proclamations of a “War for Talent” in the late 1990s, talent management has become one of the most common terms in the managerial and HRD practitioner lexicon (Minbaeva & Collings, 2013 ).  Indeed, in many areas, TM remains firmly positioned as a normative and exclusive practice that targets the development—from both external and internal sources—of a small proportion of high-performing and high-potential employees in an organization  ( Gallardo-Gallardo, Dries, & González-Cruz, 2013 ). Diversity”, refers to an employee base that is representative of the differences apparent in the broader society (Wah, 1999). “Inclusion” involves acknowledging and utilizing these individual differences in their work environment, such that the individual is engaged and his/her performance is subsequently enhanced (April et al., 2009; Giovannini, 2004). The challenge with div

Path to Enhance Employee Engagement in Talent Management (Article 06)

Employee engagement in talent management refers to the extent to which employees are emotionally invested, motivated, and committed to their work, personal growth, and the overall success of the organization. It encompasses the efforts made by an organization to create an environment where employees feel valued, empowered, and aligned with the company's goals and values. In talent management, employee engagement goes beyond just performing tasks; it's about fostering a sense of purpose, connection, and enthusiasm among employees. It's closely tied to their willingness to invest discretionary effort in their work and their commitment to continuously develop their skills and contribute positively to the organization's growth. Employment engagement emerged for the first time in management theory in 1990. Various scholars have given different definitions of EE since then; therefore it is sometimes difficult to comprehend the exact meaning of the term ‘engagement’. Engageme